The Scientific Council

Competencies :

The Council defines:

  • Study and research programs at the Faculty.
  • System of examinations and studies.
    admissions and registrations, including the registration system and the academic calendar.
  • disciplinary matters concerning teachers and students.

Members :

The Scientific Council is composed of fourteen (14) members who are as follows:

  • Its president, who is a faculty member at the top of the academic career ladder from outside the Faculty.
  • One (01) representative of the Ministry of Higher Education.
  • Seven (07) teacher representatives.
  • Two (02) student representatives.
  • Two (02) representatives of administrative and technical staff.
  • Director of Administrative Affairs, ex officio member with consultative voice.

The number of teachers in the council cannot be less than half of the members.

The director of administrative affairs draws up the minutes.

Teacher delegates are appointed by teaching and research staff for a period of three (03) years, renewable. As well as representatives of the administrative body.

Student delegates are elected for a renewable one-year term.

Two (02) months before the expiration of the mandate of the members designated by their colleagues, a new selection of representatives is carried out.

Mission :

The Scientific Council meets in ordinary session three (03) times a year: at the beginning of the year, at the end of the first semester, and at the end of the second semester. It may also meet in extraordinary session upon convocation by its president or at the request of two thirds (2/3) of its members, or if its president considers it necessary as the case may be.

Members are convened to the meeting by sending convocation letters, supplemented where applicable by telephone calls, emails or SMS fifteen (15) days before the ordinary sessions and two (02) days at most for extraordinary sessions.

The director of administrative affairs draws up the minutes of the meetings, which must be signed by all members present.

The decisions of the Scientific Council are taken unanimously. The vote is only carried out exceptionally in the event of an impasse, in which case the decision is taken if two thirds (2/3) of the members agree, and in the case where this number is not complete, a second round is organized. and the decision is taken by simple majority.

Quorum is reached if eight (8) members are present.