In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful
The African School of Islamic Studies – ESAEI in French – is a private institution of higher education. This structure is authorized by the Government of Senegal through provisional approval N°0093/AG/MESUCUR/DES/DFS of October 14, 2009.
Located in Pikine Ex Roseraie opposite the city of Lobatt FALL, LOT N 05, Dakar, Senegal, the ESAEI was brought to the baptismal font by Doctor Mouhammad Ahmad LO with the endorsement and support of the Dar Al Istiqama association.
To strive for excellence by providing distinguished higher education and producing creative research that serves the nation and contributes to building a knowledge economy compatible with modern educational strategies.
Objectives of the programm
- To guarantee the quality of the programs offered by accrediting them all with ANAQ-Sup, Cames and, if necessary, with other quality assurance bodies;
- To maintain a high level of qualification of the personnel of the establishment
- To attract more foreign students by taking care of the School's brand image;
- To guarantee the availability of an adequate and pleasant teaching-learning environment
- To shaping women and men imbued with Islamic values and open to the fruitful influences of the world;
- To constantly improve the internal and external efficiency of the School;
Islamic Sciences
In Arabic, ...
Educational Sciences
In Arabic, ....
Languages, Letters and Civilisations
In Arabic,...
Science Economique et de Gestion
En Français, ...
Sciences et Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication
En Français, ...
Formation Technique et Professionnelle
En Français, ...
to communicate the results of studies and exchange ideas on points of religion, science, or literature.
Conference or scientific communication presented in an academic setting
Scientific congress bringing together specialists and dealing with a particular subject.