The Director of Academic Affairs

Nomination :

He is appointed by the Board of Directors on the recommendation of the Scientific Council.

The Director of Academic Affairs is appointed for a renewable three (03) year term. Six (06) months before the end of his mandate, he indicates to the Board of Directors whether he wishes to renew it or not. In the event of non-renewal of his mandate, his successor is designated according to the procedure described above.

Competencies :

He is responsible for issues related to the proper execution of the college’s programs and teaching methods, he is the hierarchical superior, the coordinator of admission and registration affairs and the coordinator of the educational infrastructure and equipment service, he ensures the proper distribution and balance between lectures, applied courses, research, year work, internships, etc.

Its mission is to propose a policy for the promotion and development of student life within the African Higher School of Islamic Studies, and it is assisted in its task by the Director of Reception and Communication and the Director of Institutional Cooperation who work under his supervision