African School of Islamic Studies


The African School of Islamic Studies – ESAEI – is a private institution of higher education. This structure is authorized by the State of Senegal through provisional approval N°0093/AG/MESUCUR/DES/DFS of October 14, 2009.

Located in Pikine Ex Roseraie opposite the city Lobatt FALL, LOT N 05, Dakar, Senegal, the ESAEI was carried on the baptismal font by Doctor Mouhammad Ahmad LO with the endorsement and support of the Dar Al Istiqama association.


The African School of Islamic Studies – ESAEI – started with a reduced number of 30 (thirty) students supported free of charge. But the situation has prevented this free from continuing to impose a symbolic annual fee allowing the school to continue its mission.

The existence of this school makes up for the lack of a modern structure for training competent ulemas capable of ensuring the Islamic mission towards Senegalese Muslims and those of neighboring countries or anyone interested in Arab-Islamic sciences while correcting the illusion that Arab-Islamic university education is only possible outside.

Senegal has a radiant and radiant past when it comes to learning the Arabic language and had religious disciplines until the colonizers took all devious measures to stem the spread of Arab-Islamic teachings in the region. This led to the downfall of the teaching of Arabic. Added to this is the case of the University of Pire, which is an eloquent illustration of the wrongs caused by French colonization. Since its disappearance from the map of Islamic universities in the Muslim world, Senegal has remained scientifically orphan from the point of view of Arab-Islamic higher education.

The school’s experience over the years has allowed students to have a considerable knowledge of Arabic and the Muslim religion, sciences, philosophical thoughts, methodology, behaviors, cultural and civic activities related to Arab-Islamic civilization.

At the beginning ESAEI was in a rented building located at Parcelles Assainies in Dakar at unit 15 before moving to its new premises located at the former Roseraie Pikine.

His teaching followed the classic method of transmission of knowledge by the teacher. With the advent of the LMD system, ESAEI has reformed its programs and teaching and learning methods. The school has made its students the center of its activities by giving them a more active role in their training by adopting an approach more focused on learning than on teaching. Isn’t the new educational paradigm “learning to learn”? This goes hand in hand with a new type of teacher. ESAEI also focused on the pedagogical training of its PER, which participated in several seminars on the LMD system and university pedagogy.

Aligning Arab-Islamic Senegalese higher education with international standards presupposes, in addition to universally credible and competitive didactic content on the job market, the mastery by learners of modern languages such as French and English. Nowadays, IT has become an essential tool for higher education and whatever the field. The school also promotes IT to its students.

To strive for excellence by providing distinguished higher education and producing creative research that serves the nation and contributes to building a knowledge economy compatible with modern educational strategies.

Spreading a sound understanding of Islam
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Personnel qualifié
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ESAEI’s vision is to be a high-performance school serving the economic, social and cultural development of Senegal and Africa while remaining rooted in the value systems that underpin the Muslim religion and the Senegalese Nation. It proclaims its openness to solidarity and complementarity with the rest of the world.

The ESAEI is part of the continuous innovation of its programs and teaching methods by bringing them in tune with current scientific and technical progress


The ESAEI sets itself fundamental missions among which:

  • Carry out high-level programs to train scientifically and technically qualified men and women, adapted to the African context and the contemporary world, aware of their responsibilities towards their peoples and capable of serving them with dedication;
  • Mobilize all intellectual resources for the economic and cultural development of Senegal and Africa, and participate in the resolution of national and
  • Aim for excellence by offering quality higher education and by producing innovative research at the service of the nation and by contributing to the construction of a knowledge economy compatible with national educational strategies.
  • Promote the formation of a cultural identity and a national and African consciousness by promoting among its graduates the awareness of the problems related to the history and development of African societies and the solidarity of nations and economies of the world
  • Mobilize all possible energies to work to erase ignorance,
  • Encourage graduates to self-employment by supporting them in the development and realization of their projects.

ESAEI frames its missions in a vision that is broken down as follows.


The word of the Prophet Peace and Salvation on him affirming that “Seeking science is an obligation for all Muslims” is the motto of the ESAEI. This motto summarizes the values of ESAEI which are: Modesty, openness, solidarity, quality, ethics and excellence (m.o.s.qu.e)


A non-profit structure, the ESAEI is respectively piloted for administrative governance and academic governance by the Director in charge of administrative affairs and the Director in charge of academic affairs.


The objectives of the African School of Islamic Studies – ESAEI – are broken down into strategic and specific objectives.

Strategic Objective

The strategic objective of the African School of Islamic Studies – ESAEI – is to train competent student generations at the end of their course, committed, anchored in Islamic values but open to the fruitful influences of the world. Thus, the African School of Islamic Studies – ESAEI – wants to contribute to the economic, social and cultural development of the countries and societies of its learners.

This strategic objective is broken down into specific objectives.

Specific Objectives

The specific objectives of the African School of Islamic Studies – ESAEI – are:

  • guarantee the quality of the programs offered by accrediting them all with ANAQ-Sup, CAMES and if necessary with other quality assurance bodies;
  • maintain a high level of qualification of the personnel of the establishment;
  • attract more foreign students by taking care of the School’s brand image;
  • deepen and broaden ESAEI’s partnership with other organisations in Senegal and elsewhere while giving more space to research (creation of a scientific journal among others);
  • ensure the availability of an adequate and enjoyable teaching-learning environment;
  • bring into the labor market women and men with the profile that meets the demand;
  • shape women and men imbued with Islamic values and open to the fruitful influences of the world;
  • provide ESAEI with a Quality Management System (QMS) and create structures to this end;
  • continuously improve the internal and external efficiency of the School;
  • promote and develop services to the community.

To achieve the objectives it has set itself, the ESAEI has adopted a governance structure that revolves around the two poles of administrative governance and academic governance.

The bodies of these two governance poles, which are independent of each other, nevertheless have functional working relationships.

  • The implementation of the administrative and financial policy as well as the related decisions fall exclusively within the competence of the administrative governance structures having at the top the Board of Directors.
  • The execution of the academic policy as well as the related decisions fall within the exclusive competence of the academic governance structures, the supreme body of which is the Scientific Council.

The processes in force at ESAEI are recorded in the school’s quality manual.

The statutes of the African School of Islamic Studies – ESAEI – as well as its procedures manual determine the skills and decision-making responsibilities of the various agents.

The organization and operation of the ESAEI are determined by texts and documents brought to the attention of those concerned.

The Teaching and Research Staff (PER) is represented in all the administrative decision-making bodies of the ESAEI and the vast majority in the academic decision-making bodies. This staff is also widely involved in all matters relating to teaching and research.